Saturday, October 19, 2013

"I Love You" virus

Sorry if the name is misleading."I Love You" is a computer virus.Before discussing about this particular virus we need to discuss about the nature of computer viruses.Most of the people know how a virus affects a computer system.A virus is a malicious program which is intended to damage the system or sometimes take control of the system.Most of the people think that the power of the virus depends upon how complex the virus code is(what the virus wants to do like deleting files or stealing personal information etc).Well they are not completely wrong.But the real strength of the virus depends on what type of vulnerability it is taking advantage of and how quietly it does its work.Let's take the example of "I Love You" virus.This virus has the code as an attachment.when you double click on it the virus executes.The code is written such that it sent mails to everyone in the victim's address book.Now most of the mailing services don't allow .exe as attachment but we are talking about the year 2000.Another virus called "melissa" is even more intelligently written.This virus is inserted into a word document and whenever you open the word document the virus executes.So beware of the viruses.

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